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rPart makes it simple for anyone to join or organise environmental and social initiatives 

If you are wanting to get involved, or have an idea and need numbers: we want to connect you to the issues you care about and take action, together!


A Platform for Environmental Action

Our founding principle is that collectivity is the key to solving our world's environmental issues. 


Feeling powerless in the face of planetary degradation, we resolved to unite individuals, communities and our world. 


Our solution? rPart: a platform that connects you to causes near you, and your heart.


That makes a difference. That makes taking action easy, accessible, social, and fun.


Learn about the problems around us, find ways you can make a difference, and connect to others on the same path. 

Unite for a better future with rPart. Where I becomes we. 

How does rPart work?

The page to learn and teach.

Hear from others in the community, learn about the world's issues and the causes that are trying to solve them.


Share your own perspective and insight.


By creating a page dedicated to sharing, our users are informed, empowered, and realise they are not alone in the effort.

To create a more positive future for the spaces around us, we need both knowledge and action.


Therefore, we created...


Uniting our users with environmental initiatives they care about, near them.


Anyone can publish an event with ease! Use rPart to reach like-minded people and gather numbers for your initiative.


We're confident that rPart will generate greater awareness and involvement with these initiatives.

​Want to make a difference? Want to spend time doing something social, enjoyable, ethical and impactful?

Check the rEvents page and find/organise an event near you!


By connecting our users to causes and initiatives: 

Powerless → Empowered

No Hope →  Tangible positive change 

Our world's problems → A brighter future.

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